CapTouch+ProxySense HMI Solutions
Bring your interface to life by incorporating intelligent Capacative Touch (CapTouch) + Proximity Sensing (ProxySense) technologies within your assembly.
>Custom designed to your specification
>Manufactured in the UK at our Fareham,Hampshire, Factory
>We can supply the interface alone through to a fully assembled unit.
>We can take care of the HMI, electronics and enclosure
From a single switch location to a keyboard of 16-20 keys or more, we use projected capacitive sensing for best reliability and repeatable detection.
Proximity function can operate at 20-40mm distance (programmable) and groups of buttons could be illuminated to assist in low light conditions, or to indicate that the equipment has sensed a hand/finger near the pad(s). Individual outputs for proximity or grouped.
Keys can be latching/toggle or momentary function.
Sliders and rotary wheels can be incorporated (sliders typ 50 to 75mm length) to give an analogue function with a cap panel.
Low supply current (uA) & low current indicators possible for battery powered systems panels with a single master ON/OFF touchpad, and ability to switch into a ‘sleep’ / low current mode can be designed for a battery powered design that needs a dedicated power up/down output line.
Thicker window material can be used for impact resistance.
Can be used with tactile membrane keys incorporated onto the same panel.
Housing design can incorporate low cost replaceable cover acrylic for maintenance/repair.
Toughened glass can be used for high durability applications, for instance as a surround for a TFT or display with dedicated cap buttons.
We offer an SPI interface or direct logic output for interfacing to a host processor.
Supply, typ 3.3v from the host, Indicator LEDs from single, bi colour to RGB can be incorporated.
Auto calibration feature continuously adjusts the sensing to allow for long term changes in the environment and results in very stable outputs.
Sealed front panel, can be reverse mounted to front panel (non conductive is best, front panels utilizing metal/conductive components can be used with careful design).
For more information contact us via , e-mail or call us on +44(0)1329 281 091